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Skilled Conversations in Life Limiting Conditions

A key NHS priority is to identify patients whose health is deteriorating and provide high quality, personalised care in life limiting illness. These conversation can be difficult for all healthcare professional but essential to ensure patient care takes into account each patient’s individual needs, preferences and available support networks and most importantly involves the individual, their families and carers in decisions around their care.

This training course was developed by in associate with NHS England North East and North Cumrbia, Workforce Training and Education by the Regional Leadership and Management Fellows in associate with our Palliative Care colleagues.

This course is an extremely beneficial training package for students, trainees and trainers alike.This programme is designed to be relevant to all postgraduate training programmes and is free to all healthcare worker in the North East and North Cumbria. 

This course has been designed to be relevant to all postgraduate training programmes. 

It is aligned to meet the criteria required for achievement of some domains of the General Medical Council’s (GMC) Generic Professional Capabilities Framework.

Completion of this course is worth 5 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points.


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