The annual regional induction day for new teaching fellow and simulation fellows will take place at DASH at Wansbeck Hospital on the 9th August. This day is designed to assist fellows who are on out of programme activities or academic posts to make the most of their placements, link their work to regional QI initiatives and to develop a network of peers who also may be undertaking various PGcerts or diplomas over the year.
This event is designed with the new simulation teaching fellow in mind, but we are keen to extend an invitation to the wider teaching fellow team who regularly facilitate simulation teaching.
The morning will consist of talks and workshops from trained simulation faculty. The afternoon is not timetabled but gives everyone a chance to play with the equipment, practice what they've learned and network with their colleagues across the region.Â
All Simulation Leads and Managers are aware of this day already, however if you are not registered or want further details then please contact the Regional Trainee Simulation Fellow - Holly Meredith to reserve your place by the 9th July.
