Today, the Faculty of Patient Safety presented the launch of the newest addition to the MELISSA service. The event saw many representatives and leads from across the region present their experiences of having used the service and the positive impact of having the ability to reach areas and provide Clinics, Training, Public Engagement, Careers Engagement events and more where they are most needed.
The initial MELISSA (Mobile Educational Learning, Improving Simulation and Safety Activities) bus was commissioned to provide a mobile solution to meet various healthcare and training needs across the North East and North Cumbria. As a result of many successes and continued uptake, a business case for a second unit was approved and work towards becoming a small fleet began.
Professor Namita Kumar cut the ribbon to officially mark Melissa 2 as open for business. Guests were welcomed onboard where the MELISSA team demonstrated the functionality and improvements to the new bus including: greater sustainability and an improved layout.
The launch was a great success and we look forward to continuing to support the NENC region with an increased capacity