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The North East Simulation Network supports  work across the region to increase delirium awareness.


Delirium, often known as 'acute confusional state,' is a serious condition where patients experience sudden changes in attention and cognition. It affects about 20-30% of patients in hospital wards and often remains unrecognized, with potentially 30-67% of cases going undetected. Poor reporting in the UK highlights a need for better awareness and procedures among healthcare professionals, who sometimes struggle to differentiate delirium from dementia.


To address this, since 2015, NHS England North East has been actively working to increase delirium awareness through educational events and resources, targeting professionals in acute hospitals and care homes. Despite these efforts, there’s a significant need for continued education, especially within the community and care home settings, to ensure patient safety and proper management of delirium.



What we have done so far:


  • Regional delirium conferences

  • World delirium awareness programmes

  • Bite size teaching throughout regional delirium group members

Key delirium objectives:

Running local and regional events including active participation on World Delirium Awareness Day

Developing and compiling good quality information and resources to support learning about delirium.

Forming a regional delirium group to embed delirium care in local areas.

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Key contacts.


Dr M Santhana Krishnan FRCPsych​


Associate Dean & Regional Delirium Lead

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